Law enforcement key to resolving human trafficking cases: ministry

Law enforcement key to resolving human trafficking cases: ministry

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Law enforcement is key to thoroughly resolving cases of human trafficking to give a deterrent effect to perpetrators, according to an official from the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection.

“A quicker and more comprehensive and integrated handling is needed,” the ministry’s Deputy for the Protection of Women’s Rights Ratna Susianawati said in a statement here on Sunday.

Thus, a discourse on forming the Directorate of Women and Children’s Protection (PPA) and Human Trafficking in the National Police (Polri) would meet the people’s need, and show the state’s commitment to providing protection and ensuring justice for violence victims, she said.

This is in line with efforts to eradicate violence against women and children as well as human trafficking that become a national priority, as stated in the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN).

She added that with the formation of the PPA and Human Trafficking Directorate, the prevention and mitigation for victims of violence against women and children, as well as human trafficking, and the crackdown on the perpetrators can be carried out more quickly and thoroughly.

“Currently, the trend of case reports in the community is rising. It shows that people have started to have the courage to report violence that they experience,” she noted.

Apart from that, it has also shown that the state’s presence is getting more significant in protecting women and children from all forms of violence.

In addition to the urgent need for the directorate’s formation, what is also important to receive attention is the capacity improvement of law enforcement officials and other technical service human resources, Susianawati remarked.

Earlier, a member of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas), Poengky Indarti, on Saturday stated that Polri’s human trafficking task forces recorded 314 police reports and arrested 414 human trafficking suspects from June 5 to 15, 2023.

Related news: Kompolnas sees improvement in human trafficking law enforcement

Related news: Use authorized recruitment to avoid human trafficking: BP2MI


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