“The government urges the media to help strengthen the commitment to fulfilling children’s rights and protection through child-friendly programs,” she said.
In a statement released on Sunday, Puspayoga stated that her ministry has collaborated with the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) and broadcast media to create child-friendly programs.
This step is taken to reinforce the commitment to fulfilling children’s rights and protection, as well as to provide education to broadcast media in developing child-friendly programs or shows.
“Broadcast media play a strategic role in bringing about positive changes in society. However, media can also have negative effects, as discrimination and exploitation against women and children can potentially occur in media content,” she said.
She emphasized that the commitment of broadcast media as a tool of control and social cohesion must be continuously strengthened so that child protection in Indonesia can be achieved together.
According to Puspayoga, this effort is crucial because non-child-friendly information can have negative impacts on children, such as sexual violence, cyberbullying, and online crimes.
One of the rights of children that must be fulfilled by the government and all elements of society is the right to get appropriate information, she said.
“Children must be protected from various forms of inappropriate information, such as information containing violence, pornography, and radicalism,” she emphasized.
Therefore, child-friendly shows are essential to provide positive impacts on children’s growth, development, and protection without neglecting the entertainment aspect, said Puspayoga.
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